Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Beleza da Fantasia

Acredito na Beleza da Fantasia...

Acredito na Beleza da Magia...

e Acredito que existe toda uma Magia...,

para cada um de nós casar a Realidade...

Com o Mundo da Fantasia...


também acredito...,

que só a nossa Ingenuidade...,

nos leva a acreditar...,

que toda a nossa Realidade...,

possa ser real para os outros...

WENDY:Peter where do you live

PETER PAN:It's a secret place.

WENDY:Please, tell me!

PETER PAN:Would you believe me if I told you?

WENDY:I promise.

PETER PAN:For sure.

WENDY:For sure!


I have a place where dreams are born,

And time is never planned.

It's not on any chart,

You must find it with your heart.

Never Never Land.

It might be miles beyond the moon,

Or right there where you stand.

Just keep an open mind,

And then suddenly you'll find

Never Never Land.

You'll have a treasure if you stay there,

More precious far than gold.

For once you have found your way there,

You can never, never grow old.

And that's my home where dreams are born,

And time is never planned.

Just think of lovely things.

And your heart will fly on wings,

Forever in Never Never Land.

You'll have a treasure if you stay there,

More precious far than gold.

For once you have found your way there,

You can never, never grow old.

And that's my home where dreams are born,

And time is never planned.

Just think of lovely things.

And your heart will fly on wings,

Forever in Never Never Land


Avid said...

Tambem acredito... que existe VIDA alem da fantasia...

"It might be miles beyond the moon,
Or right there where you stand.
Just keep an open heart,
And then suddenly you'll find me in
Diva e Peter pan

Bjs meus

Anonymous said...

SIm, acredito que exita a magia que culmina no nosso ideal real e fantasiado...
tb acredito que a dita "ingenuidade" nos leve a crer que o que sentimos ser verdadeiro toque nos outros com a mesma forma e intensidade... e assim começam as decepções!

O Peter e a Wendy... trazem-me sempre sorrisos...
lembro-me de ter 5 aninhos e querer ir viver para a terra do Nunca.... acho que mais tarde até desejei ser a Wendy

e em grandes momentos de tristeza permiti-me ir a terra do Nunca na minha imaginação... e foi sempre mt divertido!

I believe U

Jinhuz da Crónica

Unknown said...

And that's my home where dreams are born, And time is never planned.Just think of lovely things.And your heart will fly on wings,Forever in Never Never Land.